End of Summer 2020

“Things falling apart is a kind of testing
and also a kind of healing”

-Pema Chodron


Things have been falling apart and with this comes an opportunity for collective healing, positive change and meaningful transformation. This falling away, allows for greater illumination, clearer vision and elevated consciences towards a superior path forward.

Can we realize ourselves as cooperative, connected web of beings that seek to serve each other and our collective world – not only just for ourselves and personal gains?

The breaking apart of systems and beliefs that no longer serve our nation and people can be the very catalyst for creating a more sustainable and caring society that is inclusive and empowering for all citizens.

We are facing environmental devastation, political upheaval, racial injustice, economic and health crises that are threatening our very existence on this planet.


It is apparent with the emergence of this pandemic that collective well-being is contingent upon the health of our entire globe. We cannot be free of disease as long as we neglect the health of our environment, our personal heath, underserved communities, cruelty to animal and wildlife or benefit from a world economy that ravages the earth and its inhabitants.


As Joni Mitchell sang–

“We are stardust, we are golden and we’ve got to get ourselves back to the garden”


Chinese medicine is based on the philosophy that we are of nature and intrinsically tied to the natural world. To live well, is to live in harmony and balance with the season, and the rhythms and patterns that connects all things with each other. What is good for the health of our body and mind is to promote and cultivate the well-being of the whole, the earth and all of life. We then can all flourish – unified and connected.


The world is like a garden. The garden is nature –
the living earth, the human person, the
biosphere, the circle of all life.
When people are like gardens, then doctors are like gardeners.
The role of the Chinese doctor is to cultivate life.”

~ Between Heaven and Earth


During this pause, I left NYC and sheltered in place with my husband, in our upstate home where we have lived for over 30 years as our respite from city life. Cultivating and tending to my garden became my way of coping and dealing with the devastating suffering, deaths and collapse of our vibrate city and later effecting the rest of the country.

As I reopened my practice in June, I started thinking of myself as a gardener – cultivating and tending to the health and well-being of all my patients. TCM is like water and sunlight supporting and optimizing health for each one of you to reach your greatest potential.
As one of my mentors said to me “When you heal – I heal”.

This resonating philosophy is a guiding force for how I move forward in my practice. I will be part of the healing process and I will lead with an open heart, full of hope and light for us all during these times uncertainty and darkness.

Traditional Chinese Medicine can be part of the solution, supporting with the healing process of the body, mind and spirit.  This ancient medicine encourages and gently reminds the body and mind of the innate ability for self-healing.  This powerful medicine has been used for over 2,000 years to restore and renew the human body and spirit.
At Parris Wellness, we can address and treat many of your health and wellness concerns.

Immune health is a big topic these days with the looming pandemic that never seems to end.
TCM can be helpful in keeping the immune system robust in fighting the Covid-19 virus as well as supporting the recovery phase and the often-lingering side effects from the virus. We are now hearing about the “long haulers” that will need support to fully recovery from this viral invasion.

Enjoy these two articles that illustrate the effectiveness of acupuncture and herbs for combating the virus. Article #1 and  #2.

Mental health is a concern for all of us living with fear, uncertainties during these unprecedented times. We can help restore and balance the nervous system to help ease the discomfort.

Musculoskeletal health care has been a chief complaint with many of my patents. Working from home, lack of exercise, stress and tension causes muscle pain, tightness and discomfort. TCM can be very beneficial in restoring function and ease in the musculoskeletal system.

Preventive Care is the basis of TCM. We have a saying “don’t wait to build the well until you are thirsty”.

Hormone and reproductive health are optimized with acupuncture and herbal therapy.

Sauna detox therapy can help the body detoxify as well as improve immune function. We are fully equipped to properly offer sweat therapy in a private safe treatment room.


 We are here to restore vibrate health for all that need care.
 Our number one job now is helping our patients achieve the most robust and optimal health.

Whats new at Parris Wellness?

In response to the suffering and trauma that we have all experienced in NYC, We at Parris Wellness are now offering the:

“Community Project”


Misato Uchida our associate acupuncturist and skin care expert, will offer 50 min acupuncture sessions at reduced rates to uniquely serve our community during these uncertain times. ***

This program is offered as a way to encourage more patients to seek care, particularly if finances and time are limited for now.

These treatments are based on the Nada protocol (ear acupuncture) and immune modulation therapy combining body acupuncture, moxa and gua sha, to help reduces stress and anxiety, increase immune response, and promote over all well-being.



Initially NADA acupuncture protocol was used as an effective system for helping addiction and substance misuse, the NADA protocol has since proven successful when integrated as part of a holistic health plan to support:

· Post-traumatic stress syndrome
· General stress
· Trauma recovery in communities following major catastrophes
· Mental health
· Anxiety management and panic disorder
· Aiding recovery from some prescribed medication dependency

Parris Wellness has a new website !


Making it easier for you to book your appointments and to learn more about our office and how TCM can best serve you. We now have ONLINE booking to make scheduling your appointments that much easier and seamless.

A big shout out and Thank You to Nicolas Turek for creating the beautiful PW website. If you are looking for web design, this is your guy. Click here for his info.


Please support our small businesses here in NYC. As a business owner of over 28 years, this is perhaps the toughest time that I have ever experienced. Many of my colleagues have closed their practices because of the lack of meaningful support with overhead and lost income during the city’s total shutdown during the spring /summer this year. We need our healers more now than ever and we healers need your support to return for your ongoing care. I feel honored and humbled by all of your continued trust and support that you have given to me and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Thank you.

In the face of much adversity, I have chosen to reopen my practice and to continue to offer care when my patients need it more than ever before.

You can help with purchasing gift cards for your family members or friends, coming in for treatments, scheduling tele-medicine.

Let’s come together to create a more vibrate, sustainable, healthier community and world. It’s up to each one of us to make a positive difference.